News & Events
Upcoming Events
Weekday Masses /ChapelDec. 4th — 7am Mass, Dec. 5th— 7am Mass, Dec. 6th — Adoration 3-4:45pm followed by 5pm Mass.
The Christmas Bazaar will be on Saturday, December 7th, from 8am-2pm and Sunday, December 8th from 8:30am –1pm in Pallotti Hall. The Altar Society will be selling raffle tickets after all the Masses. Ticketsare $1 each for a chance to win many wonderful things.
December 1st, 8th & 15th—English OCIA
December 3rd & 17th—Rosary Ministry @ 10am in Pallotti Hall/Ministerio del Rosario @ 10am en el Salón Pallotti.December 4th, 11th & 18th—Youth Group Meeting starting at 6pm in Pallotti HallDecember 4th, 11th & 18th— OCIA en Espanol en el Salon de Memorial de 6-8pm.December 4th, 11th & 18th—English Choir will practice in the Church starting at 6pm.December 5th—KOC Meeting @ 6:30pm MH/ Reunion de los KOC a las 6:30 de la tarde in MH.Diciembre 5th, 12th,19th, & 26th—Adoración en Espanol en la Capilla de 6:30 y 7:30.December 6th— Adoration 3-4:45pm Friday, followed by Mass at 5pm in the Chapel.December 6th— Christmas Bazaar Set-up/KOC /Volunteers needed to help.December 7th— Christmas Bazaar from 8am-2pm inPallotti Hall.December 9th —CDA Meeting @5:30pm in PH/Reunion de las hijas Catolicas en PH a las 5:30pm.Diciembre 12th— Fiesta de la Vigen de Guadalupe / 5a.m. Mananitas y 14 de Diciembre – 10 a.m. Procesión seguida de Misa a las 11 a.m. para la Celebración de la Virgen de GuadalupeDiciembre 13th & 20th Reunion de 5 Panas y 2 Peces a las 6pm en MH y Diciembre 20th -Rosario bilingüe para niños en la Capilla y juegos Advent
Diciembre 16th thru 23rd— The Posadas will start in Memorial Hall
Reconciliation Service/ Servicio de Reconciliación de Adviento December 18th @ 6pm /18 de Diciembre @ 6pm.
December 22nd—Decorating the Chapel & Church will start @ 3pm. Please volunteer your time to come help.
Letter from the Bishop
Click the link below to read a letter from Bishop Michael Olson.
Letter from Bishop
Guardian Ministry
The Guardian Ministry is a community driven, safety and security volunteer ministry that provides parishes with a peaceful and safe place to worship. Through the deployment of various volunteers on campus during the Liturgy, the Guardian Ministry looks out for one another and relies on training to respond to various manmade or naturally occurring emergencies. If you have a “License to Carry Concealed Weapon”, please contact Fr. Dias or Office.
Friday Breakfast Socials
Come join us each Friday (except for Adoration Fridays) for breakfast after the 7:30 am mass. Everyone is welcome. Enjoy breakfast burritos from La Cienega and more!