Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
These are children who have received their first holy communion. They are invited to come for a class & in training for two masses. Thereafter they begin to slowly transition in altar serving. Alter Server Contacts:
9:00 am- Nick Snow
11:30 am Danna Vargas
All: Lena Snow 940-328-5296
New Altar Server Training:
To be announced
Parishioners who have received the Sacrament of confirmation are eligible to be Lectors in the church. They will receive training in being a Lector and then join to be a reader in the daily and weekend masses. Call the office for more info.
*Lectores para la misa de 11:30: Victor Turcios 940-745-5076
Eucharistic Ministers
Anyone can be a eucharistic minister, provided he has received the necessary training. He must have good character and must be a prayerful person. Call the office for more info.*Ministros de Eucaristico: Esperanza Villarreal 940-325-4945
The choir is an integral part of the liturgy. We are always ready to welcome people who can lead the singing in the church, as well as to join as members of the choir. Contact the office at 940-325-4789.Director de Coro: Ana Carrillo 940-452-5090 & Lupita Greenwood 940-445-3272
Volunteers who come forward to help in the church to maintain order and decorum in our Liturgical services. They also need to have training in this ministry.
Another name for Hospitality is greeters. These are volunteers who receive people at the entrance of the church. They welcome the newcomers especially and make them comfortable in their surroundings.
Support Ministries
The extraordinary ministers of the eucharist also take care of the sick whether they are homebound or in the Hospital. They will visit the sick and bring communion to them and if the sick need a visit of the priest, they will in turn inform the priest for the anointing of the sick and communion.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
The church runs a program for the Rite of Christian initiation of adults. The program begins in the month of September every weekend and ends during the Easter night. Those wishing to understand more of our catholic faith or those desiring to enter the catholic church need to register for the program. Please contact Mr. T J Jones 940-328-0573.
Vacation Bible School
The VBS is held only in the summer months. Its open to all usually based on theme of the Bible. Held for five or less days depending on the number of children enrolled for the VBS. Its free and children need to enroll .
Contact Tonye Grauman for info.
The church is always in need of young men and women who can hand over their faith to the children. It's the mandate of the Bible. Those desiring to help the children in this endeavor can contact the office before the school years starts.
Marriage tribunal advocate
These are our own Parishioners who have been trained to some extent to help in the marriage cases. They are only the starting point in the collection of material in this process. With their help the cases will proceed to the diocesan Tribunal for the verdict. As of now we use the Advocates from neighboring parish St. Stephens Weatherford.
This includes Finance Committee, Parish Council, Youth group, Altar Society, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters, Las Guadalupanas, ACTS Core, office help, sale of religious articles, lawn care, Fall Festival group, Church Picnic group, church maintenance, Ladies' group, general movers & shakers.
If you are interested in any of the ministries, groups or committees above, please register online to get more information. We can always use help. Thank you.